…. 5 ways to wait positively, while hoping to be noticed in the writing world …

Waiting, as a writer, to get noticed or to land a writing position is painstakingly hard as well as slow, when your new and trying to make a name for yourself and having little or no experience under your belt. You just know that is your passion.

There is a lot of work that goes along with getting yourself “out there” for a company or someone in authority to see your writing passion and skills. You need to build a portfolio of writings and this takes time. That’s why I started my blog, that and I had hoped to learn how to make money with it as well.

You may apply for 1,000+ jobs and get nothing. You may get a few these I received,

… “Dear Melodie M, Thank you for your application regarding a freelance writing position. After further review of your credentials, we will not be moving forward with the hiring process at this time” … Blah, blah, blah …

All these things together will put you into a funk and there are five crucial ways that you can stay positive while you are waiting!!!

I get on a roll and write two or three blog posts and then nothing for over a week . Anyone else have this problem?

I’ve applied for at least thirty remote jobs in one day for every day these past two months. I’m determined and I’m not stopping until I land one.

However, it gets so crazy, once you have done this every single day for two months without stopping, it completely wears on your nerves. Applying, rewording your letters and bio, rewording your resume, creating numerous profiles on websites that employers go to when they are looking to hire writers, it gets old and making all those profiles and applying daily with no reply or only receiving refusals, doesn’t have a very positive effect on you, I know!

It’s work to remain positive and to keep that passion burning bright!

But you can’t give up, and here are some ways I try to stay positive through those dark times:

1) One way to wait is not to get mad at yourself if your not writing at the moment. Don’t beat yourself up about not publishing or starting a blog post. Just accept that and allow yourself to relax and do things you may not do when your at the top of your writing game. I know I love to play Words With Friends because it stimulates my mind yet relaxes it as well. Don’t feel guilty just enjoy it! Allowing yourself to just relax is a big deal, so do it!

2) If your like me and seeing double letters on a page, you seriously need to tear yourself away from anything having to do with writing and job seeking. Spending time with friends and family is a positive way to spend your waiting time. Go out to lunch, go get your nails done, go to park or hang at home. The world will not end if you take a couple of days off from writing and/or applying from writing jobs.

3) Do something you haven’t done before! Take a hike, visit a new place, try out some new intimate things with your partner or just take a nap! Doing something you normally don’t do will help you while your waiting and it won’t seem like tedious work when you return to it!

4) Help others while your waiting. This is a sure fire way to get your mind off YOU.

You can also continue this when your sending out resumes and writing your next blog post! Helping others ALWAYS helps us inside as well! It’s a win-win situation!

5) If writing is your passion, like it is mine, then take time while your waiting to mentally prepare for when you return writing. Maybe your getting tired of it, maybe it’s getting to be to much! Writing and sending out applications and tweaking your resume are perilous duties when your downcast. So pep yourself up, give yourself a pep talk. Remind yourself why you love to write in the first place! If your mentally prepared for this, then you can change your feelings and stop feeling so downcast about it!

Positive thinking is the basis of these tips.

It does work because it has worked for me in the past. It takes a lot of mind power and control but it CAN be done if your determined enough.

Those are my little ways of breaking through the drudgery while breaking into a writing career. It is not for the weak of heart that’s for sure!

Keep doing it until you get what you want!

💙 Thank you for reading, commenting and following 💜


  1. Catherine says:

    What an encouraging post with super useful and practical tips.


    1. You are very kind to say so, thank you! Thank you for your time and for commenting and following me!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Catherine says:

        No problem! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Madiha Jamal says:

    Hey girl, you have shared the story of every writer who face these things as a newbie. I have also faced the same challanges in the start but I didn’t give up and now here I am a successful writer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwwww thank you for the encouragement. I’m not a quitter although it does feel like I’m in quicksand sometimes. But I give myself a pep talk and try to push through. If pushing through isn’t possible, then I hold on for life and ride it out knowing it will end.
      I appreciate your time and your comment! Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you for your encouragement, you have just driven me harder! I’m not a quitter! Hugs 🤜

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Maya says:

    I agree – the writing world can be so rewarding… but also overwhelming! I’m a journalist so I write for a living and it can be so difficult when I’m not motivated! Same with when I doing my English Lit degree at university and when I’m writing short stories in my spare time. Don’t give up hope!


    1. Thank you for your encouraging words, esp coming from a working writer!
      Thank you!!!


  4. This is such a great post. Freelance writting jobs are like any other, the more you apply the more chance you have on getting one. The point is not to quit after a few step backs.


    1. Thank you!!! Yes I figure I will just keep applying until I get a job! No matter how long it takes.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Thesacredspaceap says:

    Great tips! Positive mindset is everything. You can not lead a harmonious life without it.
    Thank you for sharing with us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I agree!! Thank you for your comment!! 💜💙💚❤️💜💙💚❤️💜💙❤️💚

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Thank you for reading and commenting and also following! Your awesome!!!

      Liked by 2 people

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